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 5 reviews
by James on newforestacupunctureandherbs

Dr Jason is a fantastic acupuncturist and chinese medicine practitioner and very caring and helpful. Im aware that some don't believe acupuncture works, however the truth is that it is a highly effective treatment and can resolve many long term, chronic issues in just a matter of weeks.

I highly recommend Jason as a practitioner and encourage anyone who has not tried acupuncture to do so. You will likely be surprised how effective it is ! Thank you for your help Jason.

by Amy Taylor on newforestacupunctureandherbs

In 2015 my husband and I were in the process of starting IVF because we’d been trying to have a baby for 18 months with no success. The IVF doctor recommended I start acupuncture as it complements the treatment. IVF on the NHS takes a long time to be approved and so in the mean time I went to Chinese Acupuncture and Herbs and sat down with Jason and talked through my issues and how it can help me. I signed up for a 12 week course and I’m delighted to say that within 10 sessions I’d become pregnant naturally and had my little boy. I know a lot of people that struggle to get pregnant and I can’t rave enough about acupuncture and how great it is. I’m currently trying to get pregnant again and have just signed up for another course of sessions to hopefully have a second child. It has lots of other benefits such as improving sleep, helping with stress and I’m enjoying how chilled I feel after a session. I’m so pleased that acupuncture got recommended to me, and that I picked Acupuncture and Herbs, Jason is very friendly and knowledgeable and I felt right at home again when returning back to do acupuncture again to help try and have a second child.

by Coco on newforestacupunctureandherbs

Almost 5 years have passed, and till now I still could not find a proper way to express my deep gratefulness to Dr Jin of the Chinese Acupuncture clinic in New Milton for his magical work for my father. My father had suffered from the sequela of a stroke happened 10 years before he met Dr Jin. He had hemiparesis with cold feeling and numbness on his left hand, and the hand control was very difficult due to the weakened muscles. His left leg also suffered from bad circulation with dark colour on the left feet and inflexible movement. We have never thought these could be dealt with or believed it would work when Dr Jin said he could do something for it. My father still decided to try though, thinking even it might not help it would not do any harm at least. It turned out we were too pessimistic and the result was far too good to believe. On the first session Dr Jin aimed to resolve the symptom of cold left hand, and by just putting a few needles in, after about half an hour or so, my dad was very astonished to find the hand got much warmer and when he used his right hand to touch the left hand, he could hardly feel any temperature difference, which had been with him over 10 years. He was even more happy that the effect of the treatment hadn’t reduced with time as he expected. The magic did not end there, as on the second session Dr Jin tried to help with the movement of my dads left hand which was very weak, to the extend that it could not even hold a potato properly when chopping it with right hand and the potato slipped away easily. After the session my dad immediately felt the hand flexibility, and the movement and strength had improved a lot. My dad had many further sessions of the treatment, which had resolved pretty much all of the symptoms he had, including hand problems, numb tongue, weak leg, black feet due to bad circulation. My father and my family were overjoyed by the amazing treatment Dr Jin offered and still feel it a miracle. Now we have moved out of New Milton area, which is really a loss that we could not easily attend Dr Jin’s clinic. I would strongly recommend people being suffered from all kinds of problems to see Dr Jin, who is excellent and kind, and it might become your next miracle!

by Iris on newforestacupunctureandherbs

Had some treatments with Jason for my long term cough, he did a fantastic job, really helped me. I have stopped cough totally now, feeling very well ! Thank you Jason!

by Katie Mitchener on newforestacupunctureandherbs

Jason treated my Asthma. Through his treatment and further advice, I have been asthma free for a year now. Jason is compassionate, very professional and knowledgeable. No one should underestimate the capabilities of Chinese medicine for healing. It really is worth using.

Opening Hours

9am - 12pm        1:30pm - 5:30pm
9am - 12pm
(Afternoon by appointment only)
Sunday & Bank Holidays:

Our address

40 Station Road
New Milton
BH25 6JX
United Kingdom

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